Andre Litinsky
Andre Litinsky
Eminent Member
Joined: 05/02/2019 12:11
Topics: 5 / Replies: 19
New Airhead Owner - Needs Help! (Lots of Images)

Actually.. after reading p.354 in Clymers, its much more clear. Basically I take off the fuel tank.. and then I see if the petcock is holding fuel in ...

5 years ago
New Airhead Owner - Needs Help! (Lots of Images)

While I'm at, do I replace the gaskets and clean the oil pan while I'm changing oil/filter. I only ask because I see this residue and tiny leakage nea...

5 years ago
New Airhead Owner - Needs Help! (Lots of Images)

Thanks 14979. The traffic is nuts, luckily I lived opposed. Should I clean the bowls with some carb cleaner once taken off? Im reading that the bik...

5 years ago
New Airhead Owner - Needs Help! (Lots of Images)

I'd hug you if I could, thank you so much for an immediate response. Before I change the engine oil, I will probably order a filter and a gasket onlin...

5 years ago
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