Greg Krush
Greg Krush
New Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 17:30
Last seen: 06/04/2024 19:30
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3
80/RT Intermittent spark, what do I look for

Having done most every thing I could think of my logic was that the only thing that had not been cleaned or replaced was the hall sensor bean can, I...

5 years ago
80/RT Intermittent spark, what do I look for

I have cleaned all the terminals on the starter relay, when the engine quits nothing else seems to be effected, lights etc all work and there is no ...

5 years ago
80/RT Intermittent spark, what do I look for

fuel had been drained and is fresh, no carb issues, when it runs it runs great thru all rpms. It will just cut out with no spark. yes I put h...

5 years ago


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