I found that my 84 R65 ran poorly cold and seemed breathless at higher rpm when set up with stock settings in the carbs. I did a minor muffler mod per...
If you can make that vibration go away on an R65, be sure to let us know how! Seems most of them have it.
Ok, now I know what the problem is and I learned that I should have listened to Snowbum’s recommendations about getting parts from Bing! Both 1 year o...
Well, when it acts up again, I will try one of those choices. More a matter of what I had on hand at the time than anything else. It’s been around 4K ...
I know where you are coming from. The rest of the bike is spot on. I rebuilt the bike from the frame up for my personal ride. I’m going to replace the...
There is a little window in the side of the ‘bean can’ with a metal cover. Pry that cover off and you are looking right at the weights. Lubed with lig...
Sticking weights caused that same condition (high idle) on my son’s 82 RS. That’s electronic isn’t it?
Sounds like sticky advance weights to me.
Problem resolved and proper 11mm bushings on the way.
Problem resolved and proper 11mm bushings on the way.
Well, the wheel is headed back my way from Arizona. It was only out maybe .010” and the changes were very reasonable. The shipping was within $10 of t...
OK, I'm glad I waited until I met up with this guy. He didn't appear very comfortable working on a mag wheel and suggested I go with the guys in Arizo...
I thought I would wait to see what kind of job they do before I shared it. I’m told that they straighten wheels for the race crowd at Loudon.
Found someone, thanks anyhow.
Laminar Lip should take care of that problem. www.laminarlip.com/