Last seen: 11/26/2024 08:54
My Clymer's and Haynes say the float tab should just touch, not depress, the shutoff valve when parallel to the carb body--that was too high because I...
Would be nice if we had a spec for ideal float bowl fuel height. Or, maybe we do but I just don't know it!
All, OK, Old Faithful is running again! It was apparently a combination of minor things: float levels set too low and therefore, choke siphon couldn...
@4949 Dave, Thanks so much in advance. Will be a couple of days before I can get to it. REALLY appreciate the help. Butterflies work--idle screw was s...
@4949 Not firing at all. Engine is spinning, full choke, nothing. Sounds like repeat removal/disassembly is in store, right? What/how to check in enri...
@18533 After reassembly, had to readjust floats because both were filling to overflow, meaning that flow from petcocks is good . Cleaning by spraying ...
Thanks, guys! Specifically did only one carb at a time. Dots aligned properly.
@14724 Steve, Well, duh! I would have eventually resorted to removing the screw but THANK YOU for the info. Dr. Google was no help this time either!!
@14724 Steve, Well, duh! I would have eventually resorted to removing the screw but THANK YOU for the info. Dr. Google was no help this time either!!
Reply to self. Bought a new piston which included needle which I can't change/check positions. Unlike the old one, this one has a slotted screw visibl...
@4949 Thanks, David. I have a pretty good understanding of how it's in there, but I can feel no resistance as I spin the needle/piston and cannot get ...
@eodinski Duh! THANK YOU!! Worked perfectly!!!!!
Replying to self. After looking at my photo, I realized that the airbox side sleeve was simply askew. Fixed. Carb side still not aligned, however. Any...