Letter to Membershi...
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Letter to Membership from the Board

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Doug Lambert
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

@14325 Is there a reason you can’t share here and now? I think you guys acted way too hastily for how drastic your actions have been. For measures this big you really should’ve at least asked for more input from all the airmarshals. I know that according to the bylaws you were within your rights to do these things but it certainly doesn’t make it the right thing to do, or at least the right way to go about it. As of right now you guys have not been transparent by any measure. It seems to me this is all about politics and that shouldn’t be a part of a recreational nonprofit club. This club has members from  both sides of the political spectrum and most members understand that. It’s these wonderful motorcycles that brought us together so let’s stay focused on the motorcycles to keep us together. Politics have no place here. Let’s argue about how to balance carbs and tolerate all the other bs. Not to defend B. Jan but you guys seem to have problems with his editorials, what is an editorial supposed to be?

Posted : 01/15/2023 14:40
Edward Adams reacted
Hans Christian Reumschuessel
Posts: 2
Active Member

@14325 Tim, thank you for your reply.

I wanted to add to my previous comment and perhaps get your response.

I personally do not appreciate Mr. Hoffmann's political sarcasm and find it inappropriate since he is the editor and founding member. Let's compare the Airheads magazine with the BMWMOA: 

The editor of that magazine, Bill Wiegand, has a monthly column where he sensibly shares personal insights that are related to his passion as a motorcyclist. The president of the club, Reece Mullins, also has a monthly column where he similarly contributes in a friendly, measured, and personal manner. And then we have the gadfly- Jack Riepe, who has full permission to let it rip! Jack can pretty much get away with just about anything, and the vast majority of there club love him and his sordid sense of humor.

I think that B. Jan Hoffmann could be the gadfly for the Airheads, although his political rants are embarrassing and not very humorous. As for transparency of the bylaws, etc- yes, they are posted on this site, but compare the election process of the BMWMOA with this club. I think there is much room for improvement in style and sentiment of reporting to the public.

As I said before- change is good, and overdue for this club.

Best wishes,



Posted : 01/16/2023 08:39
James Carr
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Tim, You said the minutes are printed in the Airhead and that is the problem It is after the fact and what we need is the agenda before the meeting so we as a club can have some sort of say in these major decisions.

Again we need to use Robert’s rule of order.

Jim Carr

Posted : 01/16/2023 08:56
richard k belew
Posts: 5
Active Member

@14325 Tim, There are now at least two versions of the Feb'23 newsletter, a PDF version mentioned here   that you think should be pulled down because it violates some rule, and I gather a hardcopy one that is in the mail? And that version has the minutes you think we should read regarding the BoD decision making?  Do I have that right?

And the issue the BoD has with the current editor is that he is not getting with the times, that electronic communications like this forums  will provide more effective communications; is that also correct? 

Because I hope you see the irony here: many of us on this forum want to know what you and the rest of the BoD are thinking, and have input into future decision making.  Please advise.

Posted : 01/16/2023 17:40
Edward Adams reacted
Greg Hutchinson
Posts: 14
Eminent Member
I was hoping this style of management had dissapeared at the end of WW2 but seems to rear it's head every once in a while. Like whack-a-mole.
I wish to resign for the Airheads Club and would like a refund of prorated dues paid effective immediately. I'm having some meetings with a few of the advertisers to see what they think might be better options..
So sad...the trio should have sat through my MOA Chartered Club Seminars. You could hold up a mirror and see how well this current scenerio fits that toxic club management style.
Greg Hutchinson
ABC 1405
MOA Life Member
Former MOA Chartered Club Coordinator - 7 years
Past President, BMW NorCAL 3 separate times
Past Treasurer, BNW NorCAL - 2 times
Past 49er Rally Chair - 3 times
Past Range of Light Rally Chair - 5 times
BMW MOA Foundation - Former Volunter
Each organization increased membership and/or profitability
Presented a plan to reduce the change of this happening to the Airheads twice..last specifically to Duck....and ignored each time.
Similar attempts from Scot Marburger and Jim Seavy with the same results. We're all with NorCAL
Posted : 01/19/2023 07:32
Greg Hutchinson
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

Been spending too much time thinking about the big picture around the Airheads...and the structure.

As far as BMW MOA, RA, and independent clubs, the ABC has a unique setup.

Airmarshals are all volunteers with minimal guidance or responsibilities other than a passion for beemers. Most are excellent, while a few are MIA some/most of the time …they just like the title.

And passion is an excellent qualification for that position - organizing Tech Days, local rides, and campouts. Basic organizational skills, and communication; and at the local level, that’s precisely what’s needed.

But out of that small pool of Airmarshals, that singular group must select a management team that requires a different set of skills. And the way the club By-Laws are written, they seem to produce a leadership team elected NOT based on qualifications or life experience. Leadership at that level is a different skill level and thought process. The current pool of possible officers is too small for a club with over 2500 members. In most clubs, the President is responsible for the goals and direction of the club by assessing the current and possible future issues and – with input – formulating and presenting a plan going forward. It’s usually called a team effort.

Specific critical positions like the Store and Treasurer have people who specific skills …and have the experience to do an excellent job.

There are plenty of members who have the leadership, marketing, and financial management backgrounds who aren’t eligible to run for office – they’re not Airmarshals. The big picture, long view backgrounds to guide the Club with adaption to changing times while keeping the core vision in place. And know how to do this diplomatically with communication out and membership input coming in. When a club has this kind of leadership team is place, it’s a real joy for the members and eases the stress level of management.
I posted this a few days ago as a response to “why no younger members” posting in the Airhead Forum. My response just sorta got carried away.

I guess it must have something about the year-round riding out here..except for cruising around in an ark the last couple of weeks.

12 bikes are being built, repaired, or restored in the shop right now - .and all the owners are under 50. In fact, most are in their late 30s. They all attend airhead tech days and don't mind getting their hands dirty. And they have fun riding the old stuff. I'm guessing about half of my customers are under 50. Some have been riding dirt or other brands..and discovered the fun of a classic machine that occasionally needs tweaking. A couple of them said this is a LOT more fun than looking under the hood of the newest Tesla, Bimmer, MB, etc, and not being able even to tell where the engine is. Actually hear that quite often..oh and some great young female riders in the mix too.

Too bad the By-Laws don't open the election of officers to allow the general membership to run for office. I'm guessing there are more than a few who have the qualifications and desire to right the ship..but aren't Airmarshalls.

So yes, they all have social media in their lives, but most like the tactile feel of the magazine...and I give a bunch out every month to new customers.

As i said before, there is a thoughtful, planned method to ADD social media for outreach for those who want it..but what I've seen so far is the exact opposite of what we did a few years ago at the Vintage BMW Owners. Jamming something down someone's throat usually means someone starts choking. Not fun to watch



Posted : 02/04/2023 08:09
Edward Adams
Posts: 30
Trusted Member

@14325  I think what the membership is referring to in regards to transparency, is the board's activities in some kind of advance notice, and explain what the issue is and what the solutions or options are being considered. Representation. Granted some are minor and do not warrant wide spread/club wide input. But what has happened recently most certainly did need club wide input. the outrage is because the board feels it is above reproach. that is not the case.

A curt advisory statement of minutes, 30 days after the fact. and in a magazine is not the way to handle major decisions. 

Yes, the minutes placed in the Airmail are important but that does not excuse the board from their responsibility to represent us. We want input and fair representation. Obviously there is now a lot of dissent about the way it is being handled, what is being done?

I for one and many others seem to express that we want to know what they working on and what is happening BEFORE and WHILE it is being considered/implemented/voted on/ changed. 

Why isn't the membership being polled via their Airmarshal? or this website?

Why is that being ignored?

Posted : 02/04/2023 19:13
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