February 2023 AirMa...
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February 2023 AirMail, B. Jan Version

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This is a link to the .pdf version of the February 2023 AirMail issue edited by B. Jan Hoffman. Many members have asked for a copy, but use email tools that won't accept a file that size. This Forum also limits the size of attachments to 10MB, so that route of distribution is also blocked.

Here's the link. Clicking it should start the download of the article. If that doesn't work for some reason, copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your favorite web browser.

Please feel free to share this link, not only with your fellow ABC members, but with anyone that has an interest in the current difficulties.

I also encourage you to share your opinions of the current situation with the ABC Board of Directors. They can't act in your best interest if they don't hear from you.


Posted : 01/15/2023 12:33
Tim Hille
Posts: 25
Eminent Member Admin Registered

This document represents a violation of club rules and the use of the Airheads Beemer Club Trademark.  This file should not exist and should not be shared.


Scott - please remove this share or you will be party to this violation.  

Posted : 01/15/2023 14:50
John Deikis, Brian Scott, Bret Williams and 4 people reacted
Darrin Moore
Posts: 1
New Member


Please explain how this violates the rules and trademark?


Darrin Moore


Posted : 01/16/2023 05:39
Kirby S. Nellis
Posts: 4
Active Member

Thank you. I downloaded it so I can read the whole thing.

Posted : 01/16/2023 14:52
Frank Jarrell
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

If that is really what Jan proposed for the Feb Airmail, it is the best argument I have seen that he should be replaced as editor. It is very one side and I see no attempt to publish both sides of the issue.

Posted : 01/17/2023 11:35
John Deikis, Brian Scott, Joe Hall and 4 people reacted
Bob Thomas
Posts: 15
Eminent Member

My 2 cents worth I don't like reading Airmail or any other group publication On Line.  I end up printing them off and reading them in my lounge chair.  Yet I am old, yep I know change is good, but yep I pay my dues cause I got money to do it.  I don't run my season tickets to College sports through Apple wallet, I pay the extra $30 and get hard copies.  


Long and short, should club go to all digital, say good bye to me


Posted : 01/17/2023 13:13
Rob Tayloe
Posts: 7
Active Member

I never got a Jan 2023 issue.  I did take a look at the linked on-line version of AirMail for Feb 2023.  ...and nothing bad happened as a

result of having an on-line issue.  Not a lot about airhead motorcycles, but this is winter (a time of discontent).  Too bad

about the loss of Oak's articles, but there are other sources of tech info.  Oak's info will gradually become less accessible,

but that's how things go, I reckon.


I look forward to more on-line issues.  Maybe the savings in printing and posting a physical newsletter can be used to have

more AirHead Central locations at smaller rallies.


Posted : 01/17/2023 17:24
Joe Hall reacted
Joe Hall
Posts: 72
Trusted Member

At risk of getting sucked into the fray, I will say on-line works for me, actually I prefer on-line. And I can live without Oak's tech articles, if that's the way it's gotta be. As for 'the Jan situation', when we, as an organization, begin to think we cannot make-do without any one member, it's not a good mindset to be in. Kinda like in the military, if someone suddenly is no longer present, the remaining ones must press on. Further, though we should respect our founders, there should be no demigods here to revere. Just my 2-cents.   

Posted : 01/29/2023 04:54
Doug Lambert
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

I don’t think anybody ever said the club couldn’t go on without B. Jan. I don’t think anyone implied it either. The problem is how it has been handled. There continues to be no transparency with most questions unanswered. Almost half the BOD’s resigned because of this. 

Posted : 01/29/2023 09:31
Bret Williams
Posts: 83
Estimable Member

@3528 It does not serve The State, or the Troika.

Posted : 01/29/2023 09:39
Celia Williams
Posts: 6
Active Member

B Jan’s FAKE Airmail is a complete misrepresentation of the club. From what I understand,  B Jan is no longer on the payroll and is no longer authorized to represent the club.   He has used the AIRheads logo inappropriately.  But most egregiously he has placed adverts from the ABC club vendors on this FAKE Airmail.   Did he get permission from these vendors?    This seems quite unethical and most probably libelous.  He also has placed our trusted vendors in a very awkward situation,  and this may cause them to leave the club publication.  B Jan is definitely the type of person that I would not want to edit a publication that I pay for.   

Posted : 02/01/2023 14:00
Joe Hall, Brian Scott, Bret Williams and 1 people reacted
Bret Williams
Posts: 83
Estimable Member

@shayeandcelia You could always leave the club. That way you don't pay for an editor.

Posted : 02/03/2023 07:54
Brian Scott reacted
Bret Williams
Posts: 83
Estimable Member

@shayeandcelia B Jan's February Airmail is an accurate representation of the membership at large.

The official February issue may be a representation of a few power hungry men and their sycophants.

Posted : 02/03/2023 08:06
Brian Scott reacted
Tony Lehman
Posts: 4
Active Member

I have always said put your fist in a 5 gallon bucket of water and the hole that is left when you pull it out is how much you will be missed.  This goes not only for B.Jan but the BoD, airmarshals, and the general membership.  I guess the BoD wanted our Airmail to compete with Vintage BMW club, looks very much like theirs now.  Also with such a lame apology in the Airmail this month and no explanation it's obvious they want no transparency. The good news is when it's time to renew I have a choice.  

Posted : 02/03/2023 16:09
Samuel Creasman
Posts: 6
Active Member

Have been unaware of the goings on behind the scene, as it relates to our club publication - “Airmail”. With the arrival of the Feb ‘23 issue, I see how things have boiled over into an all out brawl. There are certain “Truths” to life. #1 is this - Things Change. 
Like it or not.
B. Jan appears to have come to believe that The Airheads Beemers club is his personal possession. The Club does NOT belong to anyone individual. We elect a Board of Directors to govern the operations of the club, including the publication of our Club magazine - Airmail. The publication of a club magazine is a difficult endeavor at best. They’re always those in the club who want to see more of this or that or don’t like this or that. The fact that many of our members would qualify for the description - Curmudgeon - only exacerbates things. IF, the Board and the Editor choose to allow a Founding club member to enjoy a page (maybe the last page) to contribute articles to - subject to Editorial review, before publication - that is their choice.

Those of you treating to quit the Club over this issue need to take a serious look at yourselves and ask this question: What is The Airhead Beemers Club about? 

Posted : 02/05/2023 06:27
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