Best of the holiday...
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Best of the holidays to you all!

3 Posts
3 Users
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Mike Buhler
Posts: 215
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Just saying hi to all and sending out good wishes for the season. I got away from the family for a bit to get in my own little bit of cool holiday joy seeing as it was about 0ºC.

Posted : 12/25/2023 16:30
Steven Rankin
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Cheers Mike, enjoy the riding and happy holidays!  St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 12/25/2023 17:42
David Elkow
Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Hello Mike, and Holiday cheers to you and your family!  Have a warm and safe winter up there!

Posted : 12/26/2023 20:52


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