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Traveling as an ABC member but not on my BMW

4 Posts
4 Users
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Jason Nicks
Trusted Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 75
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Hey guys/gals,

I'm heading out on a trip to the Appalachian area of the country.  I will be taking my cruiser.  Honda Valkyrie.

I was going to take my directory for emergency.  Would I still be welcome by other members even if I am not on by BMW?  I'd assume the answer is yes, but I always like to ask before I call you to camp on your land!!



Tim Hille
Eminent Member Admin Registered
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Posts: 25



As a member who has registered in the Directory with many helps, I speak for myself - I offer these helps to all memebers regardless of their mode of transportation.  

I myself am considering a cross country trip in my Vanagon while towing one of my Airheads, and would hope for similar accommodations.  


Best regards and safe travels.  

Gregory Fitzpatrick
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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 3

Hey Jason,  Just now noticed your post. If you plan a future trip to the Western Slop of Colorado you are welcome with or without your Beemer.


GregF from Cdale,Co

Eric Morales reacted
Rick Murray
New Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 1

Any body who is a rider is welcome at my house whether riding on that day or not.  If you're on your Beemer, so much the better.   

Mark McMinn reacted


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