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'78 R100: Hella bar end signals on /7 switch gear

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Robert LaPrelle
Posts: 1
New Member
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Hello everyone,

I got bored and started changing things on my 78 R100. I think I know what I'm doing but thought i would run it by the collective Airheads minds.

Has any one wired up Hella bar end blinkers to the 70's switch gear?

Thank you, This is my first post.


Posted : 05/02/2020 00:18
Richard W
Posts: 2617

Robert -
Welcome Aboard

I haven't done that, but I can see 2 issues that might trip you up....

• The lamps are going to need an electrical Return path because the bars themselves don't provide a good path. It's going to be worth your time to run a Brown wire from the bars to one of the spare connectors in the Brown section on the lower RH side of the multi-color circuit board inside the headlamp shell. Simple issue, simple solution.

• If you intend to have just that one bulb, then the resistance of the flasher system is going to be thrown way off and the turn signal lamps will flash faster, at a much higher rate. You either need to leave your rear flashers in the system, or you need to buy an "electronic flasher" unit and replace the older OEM "bi-metal flasher" unit.

- Same goes if you intend to wire up the "bar end lamps" with the stock turn signal lamps in place. 3 bulbs per side would be too much system resistance and the flashers would blink far too slowly. Again the solution is the "electronic flasher" unit.

- You might even go for the added safety of SUPER BRIGHT turn signal lamps by using LED bulbs. Well LEDs have nearly zero resistance, and the flasher rate will still be thrown way off. Again you'd need an "electronic flasher" unit.

Here's a good video on how the older bi-metal turn signal flasher unit works. It explains why the resistance of the flasher system is so important and just why the system is expecting the resistance of 2 incandescent bulbs....

There may be several "tin cans" inside your headlamp. I suggest you find and mark the turn signal flasher unit before you start by removing the headlamp reflector and then turning ON the turn signals. The flasher unit is the one that's physically pulsing to the beat of the turn signals lamps.

How can you spot the 2 types of flasher units in the store ? The bi-metal unit has been around since the 1950's and it will cost about $4. The electronic type is far more complex and actually contains a small circuit board. It will cost about $25.

Hope this helps.

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Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 05/02/2020 07:27


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