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expired membership?

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James Bussell
Posts: 62
Trusted Member
Topic starter

I noticed on the forum under a few of us it says "active" and then below it says "expired membership". When I go to my profile, I see:

Secondary Groups: Expired Membership...what does that mean?


Posted : 11/29/2020 09:41
Tim Hille
Posts: 25
Eminent Member Admin Registered

Jim:  I checked, and your membership is active through September of 2021.  There are a number of roles on the web site that are not used by most members, so that may be what you are seeing.  The fact that you can post to the forum means you have a proper active member role.  If you want to provide a screen shot, we could dig in deeper, but I see no issues with your account and profile at this time.  

Posted : 11/29/2020 11:40
James Bussell
Posts: 62
Trusted Member
Topic starter


Thanks, I knew I was active, I just didn't know what "secondary Group: expired" (which I can see when i look at my profile) meant...below is what is displayed with my avatar when I reply to a forum...


Eminent Member
Expired Membership
This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by James Bussell
Posted : 11/30/2020 09:47
James Bussell
Posts: 62
Trusted Member
Topic starter


yours also shows "expired membership"...odd...

Posted : 11/30/2020 09:55


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