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New/old member back ... just saying hello

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Chris Rorrer
Posts: 2
New Member
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I'm Chris Rorrer. Just wanted to pop in and say that I've just renewed my membership after a dark period of non airhead ownership.

For awhile I (mostly) gave up motorcycling as my son was growing up and kid activities took priority. Then I had a few years riding an oilhead GS. A couple of years ago I started missing the old airheads that I'd owned since the early 1990s, and now I'm very happy to have a 95 R100RT and 81 R100 frankenbeemer in the garage.

Just wanted to say that it's good to be back and for me it felt like the right time to support the club. Rough times seem to have come and gone over the years, and I hope the club emerges from this period of relative tumult a stronger and better group. I've always enjoyed the club and people I've met here. Have always enjoyed the Airmail as well but, in my opinion, some updating has been needed for many years.

Looking forward to being a part of the fold again. πŸ™‚

Lockhart TX (for now)
ABC #8823

This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by Chris Rorrer
Posted : 02/02/2023 08:45
Joe Hall reacted
David Elkow
Posts: 308
Reputable Member

I was in the club early, then lapsed out for quite a few years. Returned once I retired, 3 or 4 years ago. I enjoy the magazine, and this forum. Also enjoy a couple airhead Facebook groups.Β 

Welcome Back!!

Dave Elkow

Mission, TX (RGV)

PS: Planning to attend the Hill Country Hangout April 14 - 16 in Kerrville, TX. Check it out atΒ 

Posted : 02/02/2023 17:55
Joe Hall reacted
Chris Rorrer
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

@4949 Thanks for the heads up on the Kerrville event, Dave - will definitely check that out. πŸ™‚


Best regards,


Posted : 02/03/2023 07:03


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